Rancho Fino Mallorca – Horse Rescue Centre
Rancho Fino Mallorca is a rescue centre for mistreated / abandoned horses and now dogs too…
The centre is in Costitx and was Founded by Stacey van Tichelt who is full of energy and passion for the amazing work that she does.
We first met Stacey in 2016 as we had found a very badly neglected horse that was literally just left in a garden surrounded by dangerous industrial machines and she was in an awful state…. We searched for Rescue Centres for horses and were blessed to find Stacey.
Stacey came and collected ‘Nova’ and she was taken to the horse sanctuary where she made ‘friends for life’ with the other horses that Stacey has, please view here the video of Nova meeting other horses for the first time in a very long time…
If you can support the amazing work that Rancho Fino does by either contributing financially or helping out at the Rescue Centre in Costitx , please contact Stacey directly, the full contact details are below on this page.
Nova – A Very Special Horse

We found Nova who had been left in a garden surrounded by industrial machinery – Rancho Fino Mallorca rescued her and brought her back to health and happiness…
Foster a Horse from Rancho Fino Horse Rescue Centre – The Perfect Gift too…
Please find below the beautiful horses at the Horse Rescue Centre that you can foster.
Please use the scroll bar in the window below to scroll down to see all the horses.
Stacey with her beloved Rescue Horses …
You can help Rancho Fino Mallorca in many ways, either by donating a ‘one time’ donation or by fostering a horse.
You can also help directly at the Rescue Centre – please contact Stacey for further information.
Telephone: +34 603 106 968 Email: ranchofinomallorca@gmail.com
Website: https://ranchofinomallorca.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ranchofinomallorca/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ranchofinomallorca/